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Are you under the age of 18?

Contact Escale MadaVic at any time to receive the help you need:

At all times

Emergency 911 or 506 739-6265

À quoi ressemble ta relation?

Te blesse émotionnellement? (En t’injuriant, en se moquant de toi en présence de ta famille ou de tes ami(e)s ou en t’ignorant)
A recours aux menaces ou à l'intimidation, soit à ton égard ou à l'égard d'une personne qui t’est chère?
Tient absolument à prendre les décisions dans votre relation sans prendre compte de ton avis?
Te bouscule ou te frappe?
Fait preuve de jalousie et t’empêche de faire des activités ou de voir tes ami(e)s?
Affiche en ligne des renseignements à ton sujet ou des photos de toi que tu ne veux pas que les autres voient?
Accède à ton courriel personnel, à ton compte Facebook ou à d'autres comptes sans avoir obtenu ta permission?
Exerce des pressions sur toi pour que tu consentes à des activités sexuelles qui te rendent mal à l'aise?
Insiste pour que vous consommiez de l'alcool ou de la drogue lorsque vous êtes ensemble?

What does your relationship look like?

Hurt you emotionally? (By insulting you, by making fun of you in front of family members or friends or by ignoring you)
Use threats or intimidation, either against you or someone you care about?
Insist on making all decisions in your relationship without taking your opinion into account?
Push or hit you?
Prevent you from doing activities with your friends or are they jealous?
Post information about you on the internet or pictures of you that you don’t want others to see?
Access your personal email, Facebook account or other accounts without your permission?
Pressure you into engaging in sexual activities that make you uncomfortable?
Insist that you consume alcohol or drugs while you are together?
Constantly ask you where you are by text or phone?
Demand that you change your clothes according to their taste?
Behave and/or react in a way that scares you and you don’t dare talk to them about things that are important to you?

Inspired by the pamphlet ''Teens and Dating'' published by the Public Legal Education and Information Service of New Brunswick in collaboration with the Fredericton Sexual Assault Crisis Centre (2012).

If you answered YES to any of these questions, you may be in an abusive relationship, and it may be time for you to ask for help.


Contact Escale MadaVic at all times.

You have the right to live without violence!

What if it was more than a fight?

Is jealousy a sign of love? 

Am I ashamed of my relationship?


If you answered YES to any of these questions, know that there is NO excuse for violence.


If you need to talk to better understand your situation, consult the

list of available resources.

Remember that sexual assault is a crime.


In case of emergency, call 911


Sexual violence

What is sexual abuse?

Using force, threats or pressure to have sex or perform sexual acts; making someone feel ashamed of their sexuality or sexual orientation; not respecting someone’s private personal and sexual life.


These are words or actions of a sexual nature committed against another person without their consent.


• Kisses that are sexual in nature

• Unwanted touching

• Sexual harassment

• Incest

• Rape (gang rape)

• Several others…


The assault may be committed by a co-worker, employer, friend, spouse, family member, acquaintance, or stranger.


• Anxiety, shame, guilt

• Fear

• Anxiety

• Depression

• Feeling helpless

• Loss of confidence and low self-esteem

• Nightmares or sleep disorders

• Eating disorders

• Difficulties in trusting others

• Difficulties in relationships

• Suicidal ideation

• Social isolation

• Lack of emotion

• Flashback (reliving events)

• Abnormal, dysfunctional or non-existing            sexuality

• Drug or alcohol abuse

• Running away




• The right to say no

• The right to choose

• The right to refuse

• The right not to be afraid to say no

Study Night

Healthy relationship

Be yourself


Staying true to who you are is a good sign that you are in a healthy relationship. Changing so that someone loves you won’t last long and will only upset people who know you, like your friends and family.



Couples who are honest feel more comfortable talking about certain things concerning their relationship, including problems and concerns. Being afraid to talk to your partner or feeling pressured to talk about your deepest secrets are signs that your relationship is unhealthy.



Respect is the key to a healthy romantic relationship. When people respect each other, they support each other and listen to each other’s concerns. They treat themselves with respect and refuse to do things they disagree with. 



Trust means being able to rely on someone. It’s knowing that the person will keep their promises and tell you the truth. Trust implies the feeling that this person will support you and pay attention to you, in addition to having your interests at heart.

Support and listening


Does she come to your baseball games? Does he ask you how your math exam went? Does she listen to you when you’re stressed about something and need to talk? These are signs of support and are an important aspect of a healthy loving relationship. Support means feeling that someone takes care of us and respects us.



You don’t have to talk all the time, but you have to stay in touch, especially when it comes to things that are important to you in a romantic relationship. A lack of communication can make you feel isolated or confused about your boyfriend’s or girlfriend’s feelings. Remember that part of effective communication is asking the other person what they think and feel and listening to them when they have something to say.

Feeling safe


If you feel threatened in any way, you are not in a healthy romantic relationship. Feeling safe includes the emotional side as well as the physical side. You should feel that your boyfriend or girlfriend will not try to hurt you, whether emotionally or physically.



Equality keeps the relationship safe and equitable. Being equal in the relationship means sharing power. For example, not telling the other person what to do. Equality can also be about sharing efforts. If you have to be available for your boyfriend or girlfriend 24/7, but they can’t find the time to call you, your relationship may be unequal.

Developed by Escale MadaVic Inc. (2016)

Based on, (2013).

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