Frequently Asked Questions
Safety plan
in case of emergency
How can I be prepared before and during a crisis of domestic violence?
A protection scenario, in a context of domestic violence, helps you plan the actions to take in different situations to ensure your safety.
How can Escale MadaVic help me?
Escale MadaVic is more than a shelter. During the first meeting, a case worker will listen to the needs of each person and offer services that can meet their needs.
How much do the services of Escale MadaVic cost?
All services offered by Escale MadaVic are FREE, confidential and safe for you and your children, whether you are a shelter resident or not. We also offer you counselling, support and short or long-term follow-up.
What should I bring with me?
Here is a list of important items to gather for you and your children before your stay in our shelter:
• Clothing and footwear (plan for weather changes)
• Medications and prescriptions
• Personal hygiene products
• Health and vaccination records
• Marriage certificate
• Birth certificates
• Passports
• Immigration papers
• Health insurance cards
• Social insurance cards
• Tax returns from last year and previous years
• Keys to your home and car, if applicable
• Personal keepsakes (family photos, jewelry, other important items)
• Toys and objects meaningful to your children
If I go to Escale MadaVic, am I required to stay at the shelter at all times?
No! While we ask that you be available to carry out your next steps, you are free to go out and do the things you would normally do, as long as it doesn’t compromise the safety of the shelter and the organization’s code of conduct. It is important for you to know that the service is offered on a voluntary basis.
How long can I stay at Escale MadaVic?
There is no specific duration to a stay. It can vary from a few days to a few months, depending on the situation and the needs expressed.
If I go meet with you, will you encourage me to separate?
Our help and support are based on the values of respect, autonomy and freedom. Our job is to offer tools to women that can allow them to regain their autonomy and self-confidence. At Escale MadaVic, each person remains solely responsible for their choices.
I’m hesitant to leave, I’m afraid to deprive my children of their father.
Children who witness domestic violence are also victims. Whatever your decision, he will always be your children’s father. However, be aware that living in an environment where they witness violent behavior has a negative impact on your children. You also need to ensure their safety and proper development.